Tuesday 1 November 2011

"don't worry mommy it's good clean DIRT!"

good clean dirt!

sorry it's side wards but this is princess every other day.. it's why halloween is so special we just dress normal 

carving pumpkins

a princess awaits

our cute little ducky

Joshy's baby pumpkin with a tooth!

Hannah's "princess leaf" pimpkin

A princess and a fire fighter
so cute your teeth hurt :)

from Halloween's past Hannah 9 months

Hannah two years
Hannah Three years
That is what we tell Mommy when she finds Joshy eating potatoes from grandma's garden!  We have found a new game, we love to pull out all the plastic containers and throw them across the kitchen floor.   It makes us laugh for at least 15 minuets.  This weekend we got to dress up and go to peoples doors and get candy from them (why is this only limited to one night a year?)  So as a princess and a ducky we went. we also had Craig and Luke come with and Mommy and Laura handed out Candy at home.  Mommy says we ended up with more candy then we started with and doesn't know what to do with it all!  She also thinks because there is no way telling how many calories are in one little piece that must mean there are none!  right? Well no we don't think so. and we tell mommy we know exactly what to do with the candy.


  1. You are getting tone such big kids! Little princess and duck! You look like Halloween was a fun time by all! I love you all very much! Enjoy the potatoes Joshua! Hope to see you soon! Love Nana

  2. soon, is nana coming for a visit??? very exciting if she is, only wish we could have trick or treated together. Joshy can use these photos later in life to get whatever he wants, a ducky, we laughed like crazy. what did vinny dress up as. don't tell me, an overworked farmer. I remember his costume from last year. thinking next year we might hand out bean soup, I hear it's the new thing.

  3. Those are some great costumes! Joshua, stop eating the potato dirt, Chris says they are better fried!

  4. AND I CAN'T DO MATH! the earlier pics are Hannah at 9 months, Hannah as a lady bug is a year and nine months the Unicorn is 2 and 9 months, as she is 3 and nine months NOW! and we did not celebrate Halloween twice while she is 3

  5. I love the pics from Halloween past! And VERY nice carving this year; pumpkins look GREAT!
