Monday 21 November 2011

Art Class Pay offs!

Hannah smiling after threats to tickle her, if she didn't smile pretty for the camera

I know it's grainy but what a cutie

my first attempt before art class at a self portrait

first attempt at a portrait of Hannah

my fist, 

these are drawn in blind contour, that is looking only at your hand and not at the paper

second attempt at a self portrait before I was even in a class

old portrait done before I took the class

this is a gift I did a year ago for Alice, I copied it off a photo

here it is with the photo

charcoal (done while in class) finding light and shadow

hand done in class

blind contour

eyes and Dr, Phil

Hannah and Joshua

this is from a live model in class (first portrait)

Lucy (done off of T.V)

live model in class

a student in class ( she was drawing the model as well)

model in class

blind contour of model above


live model

live model 

live models (Hannah and friend)

live model

my boys



charcoal  first portrait

live model in charcoal 

piano player in pencil 
Well to much demand here are some of (all)  the items mommy has created, and there may be a familiar face or two.. Enjoy

Saturday 5 November 2011

First feeding, first snow, and Christmas music!

The aftermath of  a self Feed! PRAISE THE LORD!

beautiful snow baby 

lots of snow to shovel 

our new deck

 frost on the branches

Hannah after shoveling loves to do crafts!
Well as of Yesterday we have SNOW! yes that's right the four letter S word, and we are celebrating it :) it was cold and the roads were slippery.  But today the sun is out and so were we. Joshy did well in his first encounter with snow.  He has discovered how hard it is to sit with a round bum, and fell over once but like a trooper got up and cried!  We love to go out on our new deck and shovel what we can, Mommy says it is such a huge difference shoveling and not being pregnant.  She can do it with out having to take a break every 5 seconds!  We have spoken to Auntie Angie and Benjamin twice in the past two weeks on Skype so now Hannah names her babies Joshua and Alexander no matter the gender of the doll.  :) Joshua has fed himself once.  He enjoyed it, and Mommy enjoyed taking pictures and Daddy gave him a bath. We are sure he enjoyed that :)  Daddy is back working in Drumheller.  Mommy takes us to see him when we have nothing else to do that may make us stay home.  Mommy is still in art classes and will post some pictures of her work/progress soon :) we love you and if you want COME PLAY IN THE SNOW WITH US! there is lots for everyone..

Tuesday 1 November 2011

"don't worry mommy it's good clean DIRT!"

good clean dirt!

sorry it's side wards but this is princess every other day.. it's why halloween is so special we just dress normal 

carving pumpkins

a princess awaits

our cute little ducky

Joshy's baby pumpkin with a tooth!

Hannah's "princess leaf" pimpkin

A princess and a fire fighter
so cute your teeth hurt :)

from Halloween's past Hannah 9 months

Hannah two years
Hannah Three years
That is what we tell Mommy when she finds Joshy eating potatoes from grandma's garden!  We have found a new game, we love to pull out all the plastic containers and throw them across the kitchen floor.   It makes us laugh for at least 15 minuets.  This weekend we got to dress up and go to peoples doors and get candy from them (why is this only limited to one night a year?)  So as a princess and a ducky we went. we also had Craig and Luke come with and Mommy and Laura handed out Candy at home.  Mommy says we ended up with more candy then we started with and doesn't know what to do with it all!  She also thinks because there is no way telling how many calories are in one little piece that must mean there are none!  right? Well no we don't think so. and we tell mommy we know exactly what to do with the candy.