Friday 4 May 2012

COmicon-cousins and BIRTHDAYS

most awsome picture of the night, this was so cute, It made mommy's heart happy to see a little boy dressing up as his super hero! a cowboy :) and taking on the villains of the world

The Mad hatter
I told dad to turn around quick to see who and what was standing behind him, but he insisted I take his picture of the beautiful scene painting... then they took him under their authority! Erin I am sure he will be given the one phone call. to tell you where in the world he is...
what a Fun time, the end of April and beginning of May BRING ON THE BIRTHDAY PARTIES!  We had a lovely visit with Poppa Mark all the way from Ontario, He and Mommy went to Calgary for what Mommy said was to study Alien life forms, and then we went all the way up to Devon to celebrate with Amelia on her first birthday, we missed not seeing Nana but had a good time none the less!  Love Talking to Auntie Angie and Benjamin and Alexander on Face(drop)time all the time. and then we went to Drumheller yesterday to celebrate with Kaia on her 4th birthday. We had such a fun time!   I must add a warning for those looking at this blog with little kids.. don't show them the last picture. It is really creepy thanks.. I did add it in as to show the costumes at the comicon
Hannah playing with the local wild life!

Mommy's favorite picture

a gift that dad and Vince worked really hard on, For Steph and Jonanthan

Beauty and the tree

Mommy's second favorite picture.. guess which Aunty Steph's will be

Joshy on the go

Yo-ga ga

she is a winner!!

Hannah and Kaia taking care of their dino

a clear beautiful night in Rosebud.

Mommy posing with the artisit of Archie Comics

For Auntie Angie, Data and his brother..Roy??

Tim Burton creations

Wall.E and Evaaa

Mommies favorite costume, and look at the confused citizen in the back ground... the next pic you may want to distract your kids!!!

This guy was really into his character, he was very very creepy... did a great job!

1 comment:

  1. mommy's favourite picture is auntie Angie's favourite too! and the one of the Vander Veens is EXCELLENT!
    so so so very very good
    you photographer you!
